Telehealth solutions for safe and efficient travel experiences during the challenging landscape of COVID-19


UX Designer




In response to the stringent travel restrictions imposed by the State of Hawaii during the COVID-19 pandemic, AZOVA collaborated with the state to offer comprehensive COVID-19 testing, vaccination solutions, and a digital health pass. The goal was to facilitate safe travel by ensuring compliance with testing and vaccination requirements.

Selling the Test and Overcoming Initial Hurdles:

Partnering with Costco to sell the tests presented hurdles, as customers faced a complex process. User feedback revealed that many overlooked instructions on Costco's platform. By reframing the product as a "voucher to redeem a test" rather than directly purchasing the test, AZOVA significantly increased conversion rates. This shift in perception clarified the necessary steps for customers.

Creating the Health Pass and Website for Hawaii:

Anticipating a move towards digital health passes, AZOVA designed and developed its own digital health pass—COVID Credentials™ Simple Health Pass. Extensive research, analysis, wireframing, and prototyping were crucial to balance simplicity, compliance with regulations, and adaptability for various users and scenarios.

Anticipating a move towards digital health passes, AZOVA designed and developed its own digital health pass—COVID Credentials™ Simple Health Pass. Extensive research, analysis, wireframing, and prototyping were crucial to balance simplicity, compliance with regulations, and adaptability for various users and scenarios.

Anticipating a move towards digital health passes, AZOVA designed and developed its own digital health pass—COVID Credentials™ Simple Health Pass. Extensive research, analysis, wireframing, and prototyping were crucial to balance simplicity, compliance with regulations, and adaptability for various users and scenarios.

User Testing and Iteration:

With numerous possible permutations, user feedback and internal testing played a vital role in refining the design. The team focused on clarity, reducing drop-offs, and consolidating relevant pages. Centralizing information about tests and vaccination records in one location streamlined the user experience.

Key Performance Wins

FDA-Authorized At-Home COVID-19 Testing Kit:

Developed a way for users to easily access the first Emergency Use at-home RT-PCR tests, specifically designed to meet Hawaii's strict travel requirements, ensuring travelers could receive results within 72 hours of departure.

Seamless Digital Health Pass Integration:

Created the COVID Credentials™ Simple Health Pass, enabling users to upload and verify vaccination records, facilitating easier travel while adhering to HIPAA regulations and local government guidelines.

Streamlined Customer Workflow:

Enhanced the user experience by selling "voucher to redeem test" instead of the test itself, significantly improving customer understanding, conversion rates, and cart completion.

User-Centric Design and Continuous Improvements:

Conducted extensive research, wireframing, and user testing to refine the health pass interface, ensuring simplicity, clarity, and ease of use, while adapting to rapidly changing travel and health regulations.

“ was a shared commitment to navigating the intricate landscape of healthcare solutions, resulting in a project that not only met its objectives but exceeded expectations in providing safe and efficient travel experiences for all users.”


These solutions collectively contributed to the successful launch of the initial system in August 2021, achieving over 100k page views within days and facilitating the sale of tests. The user-centric approach, coupled with continuous updates based on feedback, has allowed AZOVA to expand its testing networks and health pass solutions globally, establishing partnerships with labs, testing providers, manufacturers, and various industry stakeholders. This comprehensive approach has not only met the challenges posed by the State of Hawaii but has also positioned AZOVA as a leader in providing safe and healthy travel solutions across diverse sectors worldwide.

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© 2024 Taylor Cooper